Luis Miguel García Marín
Hello World! I'm a Software Engineer specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Full-Stack development. I have experience with technologies like TensorFlow, React, Angular, and Spring Boot.

Ask the chatbot anything about me
Click the little icon in the top bar to display the AI chat. You can ask the chatbot any question about me, and it can even provide links to pages you're looking for. Don't be shy!
Powered by Cutting-Edge Technologies
This portfolio website, featuring an AI Chatbot, has been built using Next.js 14 with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. It leverages OpenAI Large Language Models and integrates with Langchain for document loading, splitting, and combination, providing context-aware responses.
It also features advanced Vector Embeddings and Vector Stores hosted on AstraDB, along with chat history, retrieval mechanisms like rephrase search prompts, and caching provided by Langchain with Upstash Redis.